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Kathryn's STORY

I started training with Clare during sixth form and was able to make some great improvements to my fitness and health. When I started university, I wanted to keep it up, but the excitement of first year took over and I didn’t make the effort to stay fit and eat healthy balanced meals. However, when I arrived back from university for the summer, I was determined to get my fitness and confidence back through training with Clare and Farmfitness. Twice a week I would train at Farmfitness and Clare would introduce me to challenging exercises that I didn’t like, such as burpees and running. I also independently trained outside of these sessions at least 3-4 times a week and forced myself to incorporate the exercises I didn’t like into my fitness routine.



Through doing this I was able to shave of 1 minute and 30 seconds off my mile run, which I am very proud of. Over the summer I lost 8kg and noticed a huge difference in my energy levels, but most importantly my confidence. Gaining more confidence when training enabled me to push myself further and do exercises I never thought I could do. On my last session with Clare, she made me wear a 7kg weighted vest to show me how much weight I have lost and I am never looking back! The realisation that I carried that weight on my body showed me how important it is to live a healthy lifestyle and I feel so much better for it.




Now that I am back at university I am still incorporating everything that Clare has taught me over the summer and have managed to lose another 2kg so far bringing my total weight loss to 10kg. I will continue to train hard and eat right as it has benefited me hugely. I am a more confident and happy person who now looks forward to the gym rather than dreading it. I am excited to see where my fitness journey will go next and look forward to coming back at Christmas and training at Farm Fitness with Clare again to show her all the improvements I have made since the summer.

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